Teachers Workshops

Because Mental and Emotional Health Matters


Teacher Workshops

We provide a variety of training workshops for all Senior Leadership Teams, teachers and staff to help improve emotional resilience, reduce stress and enhance performance and self belief.

Stress can trigger states of anxiety, sadness and distress which affect our ability to focus and learn – our workshops are designed to help  deal with these normal emotions and give them the skills to navigate negative emotional states whilst learning to feel calmer, happier and more successful in learning to trust their own abilities and creativity.

How we handle stress and ‘failure’ at work has a strong correlation with the likelihood of future success. For this reason, it’s really important to develop a set of resilience skills. Resilient people demonstrate mental agility,  high energy levels, greater flexibility and consistently perform at their highest level.

In addition, Tappy Twins also provide a range of workshops to help support the children in the classroom. We provide valuable tools which will help teaching staff with children’s emotional development, manage behaviour in the classroom and motivate the children.

  • Emotional Resilience
  • Resilient Parenting
  • Keeping Children Safe Online
  • Alcohol and Drug Awareness
  • Bullying and identifying the Signs
  • Effective Relationships
  • Managing Emotions
  • Building on Strengths
  • Understanding Your Children
  • Managing Puberty
  • Conflict Resolutions
  • Challenging Mental Health
  • Anxiety Management
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • Understanding Self-Harm
  • Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Child Grooming
  • Zones of Regulation
  • Sexual Health and Awareness
  • Confidence Building
  • Stress Management
  • Good Mental Health
  • Meditations
  • Mindfulness
  • Positive EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
  • De-stressing the Mind and Body
  • Good Health and Wellbeing
  • Achieving Positive Outcomes
  • Time Management
  • Goal Setting
  • Getting that Dream Job
  • Why Weight (obesity CBT) Course
  • Alcohol Awareness

Our workshops are presented using our signature style providing effective tools and strategies in action. Every one of our workshops will guide you in a variety of  teaching challenges.  You are guaranteed to leave our workshops with new tools that you can begin using immediately.

Each workshop is:

  • Designed for teachers/ parents/carers of toddlers to teens.
  • We will tailor the presentation for the specific audience.
  • They can be delivered individually or as a series.
  • 60 minutes or length can be customized to meet your needs.
  • Available for groups at schools, community events, day care centres, playgroups or anywhere parents and carers gather.

We provide both in-house workshops and open access workshops. Our open access training is open to individuals and groups and is held on specific dates throughout the year. Our bespoke in-house training is delivered at your organisation and can be tailored to meet your needs.

To book any of these workshops to support your young people please contact 03306 601274 or email suzanne@tappytwins.com