Counselling and Therapy Sessions
Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues.
All of our professional’s work with young children, teenagers and adults, using a unique combination of counselling, therapies, coaching and strategies in our 1-2-1 sessions. The majority of these therapies are energy based to help maximise on the results we achieve. Some of these include traditional EFT, Mindfulness, NLP, Picture Tapping, PSTEC and Matrix Reimprinting.
We work as an integral part of a team within schools, councils and all agencies to identify and provide long lasting results and support for those young people and families that are facing issues or difficulties. Much of our work comes from referrals from Schools, Social Services, Family Support, Barnados and Forward Thinking Birmingham (CAMHS).
What We Can Support With
We work with a wide range of children’s and adult issues. During the sessions, a valuable tool kit will be created, whilst working through the presenting issues. As a result, they feel empowered whilst building the mental and emotional resilience needed for their future.
Whilst Children’s sessions will be face to face, we can offer adults online and telephone sessions as required.
Here are some of the issues we can support you or your children with:
- Emotional issues: depression, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, anger, anxiety, panic attacks and separation anxiety
- Abuse: all types of abuse from mental, physical, neglect to emotional and sexual
- Mental Health Issues: Mood disorders, eating disorders, trauma related disorders and anxiety disorders
- School issues: stress, bullying, behavioural, attention, listening, test and exam anxiety
- Fears: for example, a fear of failure and public speaking
- Addictions: Alcohol, Drugs and other addictions, the effects of living with someone addicted to alcohol or drugs
- Phobias: OCD, flying, spiders, heights, sickness and agoraphobia etc
- Social anxiety: such as being in busy places, talking to unfamiliar people and non-structured days
- Sleeping issues: bed wetting. nightmares, fear of the dark and night walking
- Specific needs: including dyslexia, aspergers, autism and ADHT
- NEET: Educational issues, truancy and attendance issues
- Grief
- Confidence and Self Esteem
Tappy Twins has been a fantastic success here already and fits perfectly with our values in school. Our children love the sessions and tell us they are so much happier and self confident as a result of the Tappy Twins input they have had at school. We have noticed massive differences in the children we have put through this intervention. The Tappy Twins team could not be more helpful, flexible and supportive. Following whole staff training we are already able to expand Tapping across our large primary school. Tapping has become a part of everyday life in classrooms and helps promote well-being and to support positive behaviours within all classrooms.
It amazes me to think that I have got through this tough year and school with the help of Tappy Twins. I no longer feel that I have to suffer in silence; I now have the confidence to ask for help. I think for someone especially like me, to be able to open up and feel genuinely better after I come out of every session, is absolutely astounding in my opinion. These sessions are clearly effective.
My daughter has been transformed since her sessions with you. She has gone from not leaving the house and missing so much school to a happy young lady that is excited about her future. Thank you so much.
To Make a Booking or Referral
For any agency or school that wish to make a child or young person referral please contact us on 03306 601274 or complete the attached form and send it to
To find out more about our Counselling in your area, and to organise an appointment please contact us on 03306 601274.